By the special grace of God, Anthony Adefarakan - a Revivalist and Renowned Teacher of God's Word - is the privileged Founder and President of Global Emancipation Ministries - Calgary, AB, Canada (a.k.a. GLOEM) with ministerial operations across Canada, Africa and other parts of the world.
In April 1994, he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ after a senior student in his secondary school preached the gospel to him. It was such a glorious experience as he almost immediately started holding fellowship meetings and telling other students about the Gospel of Jesus.
This zeal was however short-lived as he began to make friends with the “happening –boys” of his school in those days. He wanted to be like them – to be dreaded by other students, to do anything and get away with it, to command respect from his fellow students, etc. But before he knew it, his spiritual light went dim and he began to mock the things of God. Though he was still going to church with his parents, his relationship with the Lord was in disarray.
During this period, he lied, misbehaved, disrespected his parents, engaged in systematic alcoholism, conspired with friends against other students, and just lived in disobedience to the Word of God.
But in 2002, the Good Shepherd found him again and brought him home to His glorious sheepfold. He rededicated his life to Jesus, got baptized in the Holy Ghost, severed his unholy relationships and immediately got engaged in the service of God – evangelizing, singing in the choir, writing and editing Gospel articles among others. He was back in grace.
Having walked with the Lord consistently for six (6) years after his restoration, he decided to wait on the Lord to receive divine direction for his life. He wanted to know what God would have him do. And on 22nd February 2008, the Lord responded and told him his assignment: “liberate people through the knowledge of the Truth” – anchored on Isaiah 61:1-3 and John 8:32,36.
Then, on 4th January 2012, the Lord said to him “Create a ministry around your purpose”. It was at this point the Lord officially called him into this Emancipation Ministry. He told him all he needed to know at the time and has since been revealing more to him, especially as it pertains to the execution of the assignment.
Upon expressing his concerns to God about the assignment and also inquiring from Him on how He would have it run, the Lord responded by giving him a covenant platform upon which he is to stand in the execution of the mandate. It’s in I Thessalonians 5:24 – ‘Faithful is He that calleth you, Who also will do it’. And that has been his rest in his journey of faith to date.
In the course of his ministerial journey, he served as an Altar Minister at The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Dominion Model Parish, Shalom Area, Asaba, Nigeria from April 2009 to 25th December, 2012 when he was commissioned as the Pioneer Pastor of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Revelation Parish, Shalom Area in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria. He thereafter proceeded to the Redeemed Christian School of Missions, Nigeria (Asaba Campus) to learn more about the Field Ministry; and on 29th September 2013, he was awarded a Post Graduate Diploma in Tent – Making Mission.
He served in the capacity of a Parish Pastor in RCCG until 1st February 2015 when he officially handed over to a new Pastor to pursue his field ministry to which the Lord had earlier called him and for which the authority of the church had prayed for him and released him to undertake.
On 2nd September, 2015 after months of prayers by the Ministry’s Volunteer Power House (Prayer Team), the Field Ministry commenced in Nigeria (as Emancipating Truth Ministries) and the Executive Council was inaugurated the same day. On 21st October 2015, the Ministry commenced her weekly teaching and prayer meetings (Liberation hour and Divine appointment respectively) where he had the privilege of unraveling the deep truths contained in the Word of God under the sole influence of the Holy Spirit as well as leading the people of God in heartfelt prayers. These meetings are still running under the leadership of the Holy Spirit through the Ministry’s Director in Nigeria.
The Lord joined him to his destiny helper, Ifeoluwa Adefarakan, in Holy Matrimony on 21st November 2015 and his journey took a new glorious dimension. Their union is both blissful and fruitful to the glory of God.
In March 2017, he had the privilege of serving as a lecturer at the Asaba Campus of the Redeemed Christian School of Missions (RECSOM) where he trained Pastors and Missionaries on important subjects such as Strategies of Missions and Life on the Mission field until they graduated.
Then, on 23rd January 2018, the Lord opened a ministerial door for the ministry in Canada, North America according to His prophecy of "breaking new grounds" in 2017 with the same liberation mandate.
And true to His promise, the Lord has been helping him carry out his assignment faithfully in Canada and in other places where the ministry is represented (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
For instance, in carrying out this emancipation mandate, Anthony Adefarakan has led his ministry associates to field ministrations in different Prisons, Hospitals, Orphanages, Rural communities, Camp settlements, Markets, Local churches among other places with great manifestations of God’s power and blessings on all occasions – such as salvation of sinners, healing of the sick, financial empowerment of mission churches, provision of relief materials to the poor, provision of medical services to the underprivileged, baptism in the Holy Ghost, deliverance from demonic oppression, release of inmates, just to mention a few – all to the glory of God Who alone is the Doer.
That is his journey of faith in summary.
Anthony Adefarakan is on the Lord’s side and he is on this planet to fulfill His mandate. If the Lord could find him in his lost and dirty state, restore him and even make him His representative, there is hope for anyone who dares to believe. His messages through live ministrations in church meetings, podcasts, print media, social media and every other channel have only one purpose – TO HELP YOU
Kindly explore these ministry channels, and open your hearts to the messages with the readiness to apply the truth you encounter in the process; in no time, you too will be celebrating your freedom like many others who have already been set free to live the God-life here on earth, and eventually be with Him in eternity.
At GLOEM, Jesus is our Message, Freedom is the Outcome!